The average American worker only uses about 54% of their paid vacation time. Though 96% of people say that using their vacation time is important to them, workers in the U.S. rack up about 662 million unused days, according to Project Time Off. Financially, this results in $66 billion lost in benefits and a $236 billion
Read MoreAccuCare Education
Enjoy the Eclipse With Your Aging Loved One
Something very exciting is coming soon to the area! In just a little less than a month, we will experience a spectacular event. A total eclipse of the sun is coming on August 21, 2017. The moon will completely cover the sun. According to NASA, those in the path of totality will be able to see
Read MoreUnder Pressure: The Importance of Blood Pressure in Older Adults
According to the CDC, one in every three adults has high blood pressure. As people age, the likelihood of developing high blood pressure increases. In fact, 64% of men and nearly 70% of women aged 65-74 have high blood pressure. For those 75 and over, the risk increases to 66.7 and 78.5 percent, respectively. Blood pressure is
Read MoreKeeping Your Cool: Stress Relief for Older Adults
In our last blog, we discussed the importance of maintaining a healthy blood pressure. In order to do this, it is important to monitor your numbers, follow you’re doctor’s instructions, eating a healthy diet, and maintaining an active lifestyle. Also vital to treating hypertension is keeping a healthy outlook on life and minimizing stress. This is,
Read MoreSeptember: National Emergency Preparedness Month
Over the past few days, our thoughts and prayers have been with those displaced and affected by Hurricane Harvey, and now Hurricane Irma. A devastating weather event such as this highlights the great importance of emergency preparedness. Of course, many disasters cannot be prevented, but being prepared can improve your chances of surviving such an
Read MoreNutrition and the Elderly: Nutritional Needs
In recent blogs, we have been exploring nutrition in aging individuals. So far, we’ve discussed several challenges to eating well and how to overcome those challenges. We have also explored several very unique situations that may present additional challenges, as well as how to cope with those situations. Even though challenges are present, eating well is worth it. Aging individuals who
Read MoreBeat the Heat
June has arrived; and though summer officially begins in about three weeks, the time for outdoor activities and vacations is here. Here in the Midwest, extreme heat could arrive any day, bringing with it danger for aging individuals. According to the CDC, persons older than 65 years of age are more prone to heat stress. This
Read MoreFraud Alert: Help Your Aging Loved One Avoid Being Scammed
According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, Americans age 65 and older are more likely to be targeted by fraudsters and to lose money once targeted. This is due to the fact that aging individuals are more likely to have money built up, tend to be polite and trusting, are less likely to report
Read MoreHoliday Travel: Helping your Elderly Relatives
As it usually goes with the approaching holiday seasons, many of our family members may find themselves traveling to different cities and regions to meet and celebrate together. This undoubtedly will include a percentage of our elderly family members, and special precautions and measure should be taken to ensure that their travels are as safe
Read MoreMeet Theresa, an AccuCare Caregiver
“The funny thing is, I always respected those who worked with elderly people because I never felt that it was something that I would be able to do myself. I originally went to college for accounting, but thankfully after visiting with a friend who worked in an elderly facility, I realized that I loved people
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